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The whole development of tennis is an exciting story.

On this page we regularly publish entertaining episodes about tennis.

When was the first aluminum racket produced, who invented the first ball throwing machine, which players have achieved the real Grand Slam so far, which 5 brands dominate the global racket market today, and much more.



The first aluminum racket with wire strings was manufactured in 1924 by Birmingham Aluminium Casting.

During the same period, Dayton Racket in Ohio was producing rackets made of steel. The first steel racket appeared in 1897, but it never caught on.


Grand Slam

Only five players have managed to win the Grand Slam. That means winning the Australian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon and US Open in one calendar year.

In the museum you can find out who the "5" were.

1914 Halle Badrutt.jpg

Tennis hall

The first tennis hall in Switzerland was built in 1914 in the Hotel Badrutt in St. Moritz. In 1922, the unofficial indoor world championship took place there. Henry Cochet and Jean Borotra faced each other in the final.

1914 Halle Badrutt.jpg

Tennis hall

The first tennis hall in Switzerland was built in 1914 in the Hotel Badrutt in St. Moritz. In 1922, the unofficial indoor world championship took place there. Henry Cochet and Jean Borotra faced each other in the final.

1914 Halle Badrutt.jpg

Tennis hall

The first tennis hall in Switzerland was built in 1914 in the Hotel Badrutt in St. Moritz. In 1922, the unofficial indoor world championship took place there. Henry Cochet and Jean Borotra faced each other in the final.


The Battistone brothers played successfully with the "Bi-Hander" in the 1990s. The racket can be tested exclusively on the Tri-Tennis Wall in our museum.

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